Infrastructure Management
Support for sustainable improvement of people’s lives using our rich experience and global perspective
Infrastructure Management
Planning, feasibility studies, detailed design, construction management and maintenance management planning for a wide range of infrastructure development, with a focus on river management as well as coastal protection, harbours, roads/bridges and wastewater facilities.

Comprehensive Disaster Prevention Management
Comprehensive disaster management projects which include a wide range of non-structural measures as well as equipment and facility-based measures such as planning and design for disaster prevention facilities in response to intensifying natural disasters, including abnormal weather events that are observed in many parts of the world due to climate change.

Capacity Building
Provision of capacity building support at each phase of the disaster management cycle i.e., disaster prevention, advance preparation, emergency measures and recovery/reconstruction by understanding the status quo and the challenges faced by disaster management bodies and systems at each level, such as the country in question, local governments and communities.

Project Formulation Support
Support for the identification and formulation of projects to provide solutions through accurate understanding of challenges and needs in the regions in question by consultation, information gathering and analysis with various stakeholders such as a counterpart country, international organisations and local governments.